Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Etsy Shop!

To Etsy or not to Etsy?

That is the question?!

Sadly, there is no simple answer to this question! There are tons of sights you can use to sell your items, like Craigslist (free), Ebay (fee based), eCrater (free), and Wix (free or fee), just to name a few! The question is; how much do you want to work? The simple answer is, if you want to make money, you will have to spend some time promoting your work. Some sights drive more buyers to you automatically (eBay, Craigslist) but you have to use the right descriptions and ad words. The same is true of Etsy or any other site, but some sites have more built in promotion. Of course if you don't advertise; you can't gain an audience and you won't get sales.

So how do you get more sales? I've researched this a little, and this blog is one attempt to drive more potential buyers to my site. Blogs are one way to promote your sites for free. You can even add ads to your blog to bring in a little money to offset the costs of your Etsy or other sites. That's important because if you choose to use a site like Etsy that has more built in promotion and social features, it will cost you some money. You can open your own site on any of the above examples (and I'm sure there are others I failed to mention), but to promote that site you should certainly use the others! For example, I have an Etsy site (as you can see above!) that I have connected to my Facebook page. That nifty little feature allows you to sell directly to your contacts on Facebook, and your contacts grow more contacts for you by sharing! I actually have a separate page linked to my personal Facebook page where I can post new jewelry and items directly to my followers. https://www.facebook.com/TrinketsByTherese?ref=hl
The cool thing about that is, I can post to those who have specifically liked my page or who have signed up as followers, without bothering some of my friends and fam who aren't necessarily interested. The connectivity with that page and my 'Easy Social Shop' are the real reasons I'm still on Etsy. I also like that I can connect to my fellow artists through Etsy via those social networks. I have students and friends who have Etsy sites because Etsy is so well known and so easy to use. 

I started out many years ago with a GeoCities account, then moved to Ecrater. Geocities acted more as an ad site and is now defunct, and the only issue I have had with Ecrater is that it doesn't offer the connectivity that Etsy does. I love that Ecrater is totally free, but sometimes you get what you pay for! I have to promote a lot more for Ecrater to be effective, so being employed full time while doing my artistic endeavors on the side, I just don't have the energy to do that. I have made sales through Etsy (though currently not as much as I'd like), but have not made any sales through Ecrater - though I've had that site much, much longer. 

Some good advice I've seen elsewhere is to promote through social networks, and to use sites like Craigslist to advertise, or Ebay to sell some items but advertise for others. I personally found this to be true!

So, the overall idea is to have one central site to focus on, but to use many of the others to promote. The 'you can't put all your eggs in one basket' line of thinking. After all, you probably have friends who use Ebay but not Craigslist, or vice versa. It's also important to get out and find those buyers who won't necessarily find you via Pinterest or other online methods, but who will frequent art shows, festivals, and craft shows. I always have my business cards at these shows for those who aren't yet online. These shoppers will sometimes call to buy an item they saw in person but for whatever reason, they didn't buy right then and there. And often they buy more than one item!

If you open an Etsy site, be sure to check out your competition when you start. Price accordingly and competitively! You don't have to be cheaper than your competitors, but if you choose to be cheaper make sure not to undercut yourself just to sell. Buyers on Etsy are willing to pay for quality. The best thing you can do as an Etsy seller is be unique and/or willing to customize items. 

My Etsy site:

My Ecrater site:

Feel free to add comments and thoughts below! The idea of this blog entry to was to give some basic advice for new sellers and to start a conversation to support one another as small business owners! (Yes, that's what you are! Own it!) :)

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